Full |REBEL| Jacket, the Phoenix-based duo of rapper/producer/videographer duo G and Q, hailing from Dallas and Anchorage, respectively, have, over the past year, solidified themselves as group firmly planted in the rich traditions of Country Rap Tunes, while at the same time showing off a diversity in sound that sets that them apart from the pack. Today, with their latest video, the duo continues to prove that diversity.
The video is for the track “American Tragedy N 68,” an instrumental track – and while most wouldn’t take the time to shoot a visual for an instrumental track, not only did Full |REBEL| Jacket do it, but they did it well. Beautifully shot black-and-white clip, the well-edited clip features a choreographed, interpretive ballet performance that fits seamlessly with the depth and emotion of the track.
Says Full |REBEL| Jacket: “When we originally created the track, it pulled a lot of emotion from us. Ant really went deep to create the string melody that you hear, and after that we kind of felt like, man, fuck it – let’s put it out just like this. The instrumental always presented images of things that were deeper than your traditional “rap” video, so we thought that an interpretive dance would serve the concept best. Hip-Hop is our life, but as creative types we’re always trying to push the boundaries of what “our lives” encompass. So, even though we didn’t drop one line, we feel that this epitomizes what Hip-Hop is and reiterates the REBEL mentality.”
Watch the video here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3BIZRCntQhU
[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3BIZRCntQhU[/youtube]Please contact Michelle or Dan if interested in talking with Full |REBEL| Jacket.
With edgy content and a unique rap style, Full |REBEL| Jacket is primed for the success they have long deserved. This underground Phoenix group has pioneered a sound they’ve coined as “Southern Sophisticated.” Full |REBEL| Jacket is bringing a fresh perspective through their lyrics while the group’s originality vibrates by means of their cultured beat selection and region defying styles. Their debut album The REBEL EP exemplifies the sound they seek to give fans and it shows the versatility of southern bred, west coast residing artists. Expect Full |REBEL| Jacket to soon be amongst raps elite.
official site | twitter | facebook | youtube
“Winter”: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_2jZK3wpdXM | http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oO1hOUYbFXM
“Monte Carlo”: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z5Z3a0Myj1g
“G.R.I.T.S.” ft. Chalie Boy: http://soundcloud.com/audibletreats/full-rebel-jacket-g-r-i-t-s-ft
“Bacon’”: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=06ZJQpqE4PM
“Purple Lights”: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lm5MfWxacMo
“Stray Bullet”: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BGqA8eWqxl8
the REBEL EP: http://music.fullrebeljacket.com/album/the-rebel-ep
Bio, pictures and streams available here : http://www.audibletreats.com/full-rebel-jacket/