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A Message From Audible Treats

Dear friends, colleagues, and partners,

As we face an unprecedented crisis in the music industry and society as a whole, it can be easy to fall into a pit of self-doubt about the meaning and significance of the work we do. But as our vibrant, extroverted industry is forced inside, it’s more important than ever to provide music to heal the soul and content to pass the time.As a mom-and-pop company that has survived for over 16 years–through periods of adversity in the music industry and the economy at large–we’re used to coming up with unconventional solutions for our clients and media partners. Below, we’ve brainstormed some ideas for featurettes, interviews, and more, as an attempt to take advantage of our (hopefully very temporary) new reality.

To our friends in the press and other media outlets, please let us know if you will be conducting phoners, interviews via Skype or FaceTime, and/or any other special features during the next few weeks. Feel free to use our ideas if you like them! And let us know if you’d Like to be involved with any – you can interview them as they do a fridge tour or be the Martha Stewart to our Snoop Dogg during a Cooking During Quarantine show.

The next few weeks and months will be an enormous challenge, but together we can connect with each other to pull through this crisis and provide a much-needed distraction from our rapidly-changing reality.

Please stay safe, stay healthy, and stay inside. And if you know anyone in these sectors, please extend a heartfelt thank you to anyone who is on the front lines helping this world continue go ’round, from medical staff to garbage collectors to delivery people to grocery store clerks to mail delivery people, janitors, and so much more. You are our everyday heroes.

With Love,
The Audible Treats Team
(MichelleGavinScottKierraErinKevinDan, and Henry)


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Please visit our website: http://www.audibletreats.com/